Illuminating Potential

Shining a Light on
Peak Performance
and Productivity

Definition of ‘lightbulb moment’

Collins Dictionary Definition:
Noun. Informal
a moment of sudden inspiration, revelation, or recognition.


I’m Sam and I give a stuff about YOUR important stuff.

Your goals.
Your business impact.
Your team.
How you juggle your life and work.
Your mindset.

I help you create Lightbulb Moments that impact your productivity and performance.

You know, when you feel that moment when the light just comes on, when things become clear.

As Seen In

Our Approach

Working with you (and your teams if you’re a leader) to help create those all important “lightbulb moments” – provoking new ways of thinking and doing, of being and focusing, leading to better performance.

I achieve this through interactive and relevant training, mentoring and coaching – often a program will have a combination of all three.

I’m a changemaker.
Knowing that implementing change can be a challenge and at the same time, it doesn’t need to be as difficult as it often is. Maybe you need someone to help you light the way and guide you through the process.

Our approach does just that, as we provide effective enablement, training and coaching through our tried and tested NRG structure where we:


We enable you to embrace new possibilities and capabilities, empowering you to break through limitations and explore untapped potential.


We reinforce your skills and strategies, providing ongoing support and reinforcement to ensure lasting impact and sustainable

Guide to Grow

We guide you to grow, offering personalized guidance to navigate challenges and seize opportunities for growth.

Ensuring that you get the best possible chance to achieve real business impact and value from the time, money and resources you put into developing your team.

Just like people don’t buy products for their features, they buy for pains removed, problems solved and the value gained – it differs by person and their responsibilities. My approach is the same.

We’ll work together to identify your pains and business challenges, then look to remove and resolve them through value-driven consulting and engaging enablement & training.

So to help you consider whether there’s value in us to partner, we shine a light on the following performance areas:

Sales Effectiveness

Leader Effectiveness

Team Effectiveness

Personal Growth and Effectiveness

Coaching for Performance and Change

Mental Wellbeing



Illuminating Potential. 

Shining a Light on Peak Performance and Productivity.

087 01 23 4567

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